Saturday, July 14, 2012

ACCA F1 Accountant in Business Practice Questions

F1 Accountant in Business is the first paper of the ACCA Fundamental – Knowledge Level. This paper is based on the basic knowledge, concepts and theories of the organizational management. In this paper the examiner will tests a candidate with management techniques commonly used in the organization and specific focus on the role of the accountant in the business environment. The Paper consists of 50 MCQ’s (Multiple Choice Questions) each carrying 2 marks. The paper can be attempted VIA CBE – Computer based Exam by most of the candidates. The paper can also be attempted manually in June and December attempt only although the CBE exam can be attempted any month of the year.

As said earlier that this paper contains 50 questions each with 2 marks, so candidates must consider practicing exam level question as more as possible. Practice question can be acquired by the ACCA website or some their learning partners who provides complete questions relevant to the ACCA F1 and their solutions. One thing while practicing ACCA F1 practice questions that the candidates should consider is do not move to the solutions until you have complete the answer in full, this will weaker the concepts and makes candidates under-prepared for the some of the questions.